Model | 386 |
Model Year | 2013 |
Vehicle Type | TRUCK |
Body Class | Truck-Tractor |
VIN | 1XPHD49X1DD181654 |
Engine Configuration | In-Line |
Engine Number Of Cylinders | 6 |
Engine Model | Cummins ISX |
Displacement Cc | 15000 |
Displacement L | 15 |
Displacement Ci | 915.3561614209 |
Fuel Type Primary | Diesel |
Body Cab Type | MDHD: Conventional |
Brake System Type | Air |
Drive Type | 6x4 |
Gross Vehicle Weight Rating From | Class 8: 33,001 lb and above (14,969 kg and above) |
Plant City | Denton |
Plant Company Name | Peterbilt |
Plant Country | UNITED STATES (USA) |
Plant State | Texas |
Date | Type | Price |
Mar 28, 2018 | Classified | $49,950 |
You can leave a report or complaint if you witness unsafe driving of a vehicle with a license plate Z033614 . By leaving a report or complaint, you will help bring an unsafe driver to justice and will make the road safer and could decrease the number of injuries and fatalities including trucks
Date | State | Unit Make | Vin |
07-APR-16 | UT | Peterbilt | 1XPHD49X1DD181654 |
31-DEC-14 | UT | Peterbilt | 1XPHD49X1DD181654 |
Unit | Unit Type | Unit Make | Unit State | License Plate | Unit VIN |
1 | TRUCK TRACTOR | Peterbilt | UT | Z033614 | 1XPHD49X1DD181654 |
2 | SEMI-TRAILER | Utility Trailers | ME | 2560490 | 1UYVS2535GU571924 |
Unit Unit Type Unit Make Unit State License Plate Unit VIN |
1 TRUCK TRACTOR Peterbilt UT Z033614 1XPHD49X1DD181654 |
Unit Unit Type Unit Make Unit State License License Unit VIN |
2 SEMI-TRAILER Utility Trailers ME 2560490 1UYVS2535GU571924 |
Make | Model | Year | Vehicle Type | Body Class |
UTILITY TRAILER MANUFACTURER | Utility Trailer Manufacturer | 2016 | TRAILER | Trailer |
PETERBILT | 386 | 2013 | TRUCK | Truck-Tractor |
Unit | Unit Type | Unit Make | Unit State | License Plate | Unit VIN |
1 | TRUCK TRACTOR | Peterbilt | UT | Z033614 | 1XPHD49X1DD181654 |
2 | SEMI-TRAILER | Utility Trailers | UT | Z511442 | 1UYVS25398U406203 |
Unit Unit Type Unit Make Unit State License Plate Unit VIN |
1 TRUCK TRACTOR Peterbilt UT Z033614 1XPHD49X1DD181654 |
Unit Unit Type Unit Make Unit State License License Unit VIN |
2 SEMI-TRAILER Utility Trailers UT Z511442 1UYVS25398U406203 |
Make | Model | Year | Vehicle Type | Body Class |
UTILITY TRAILER MANUFACTURER | Utility Trailer Manufacturer | 2008 | TRAILER | Trailer |
PETERBILT | 386 | 2013 | TRUCK | Truck-Tractor |
Please be aware that the information obtained using Dcontrol.com searches may not always be accurate and up to date as we do not create, verify, or guarantee the accuracy or the amount of information provided through Dcontrol.com. Data availability is largely dependent on various public sources from which the information is aggregated. By using the services offered through this website you agree to comply with all of the conditions set forth in our terms and privacy disclosure. The information obtained from Dcontrol.com is not to be used for any unlawful purposes. Violators may be subject to civil and criminal litigation and penalties. All searches are subject to our terms and applicable laws.
Try to find information about the vehicle with the license plate of a commercial vehicle.
Searching for information about commercial vehicles by license plates can be especially useful in the event that for one reason or another it is missing the vehicle code.
To search for the registration plate information, you need to select the state in which the vehicle is registered, as well as in the search field to specify the number and click on the Search plate history button.
If vehicle information is available, a page will open displaying the following vehicle information: The Main section - displays basic information about vehicle, such as manufacturer, model, year of manufacture, series, etc.
The Engine and Transmission Info section displays detailed information about the vehicle's engine and transmission, such as engine manufacturer and type, volume, fuel type, transmission type, and more.
In the Additional Info section - additional information on the vehicle.
Also can be available information on inspections of commercial vehicles, if such inspections took place.
If the vehicle has already been on sale, information with the history of the sale of the vehicle may be available, as well as a list of companies that have been associated with the vehicle.