How to add a new trailer in the system

To add a new trailer to the system, you need to go to the trailer section in the left menu

When you click on the Trailers section in the menu, a table with all the added trailers of your company will open, if you do not have any added trailers yet, click on the button - Add new trailer

The trailer addition form opens.

You can try to find data about your trailer in our system by entering the vehicle VIN in the VIN field. If your trailer data is in our system, the basic trailer information will be filled in automatically.

Required fields for creating a trailer are the Nickname and Status field, all other fields are optional and are filled in by the user if necessary.

After filling in the required fields, click the save button. The data will be saved, the form will be closed, the added trailer will appear in the list of trailers.

The added trailer will automatically receive the active status.

There are a total of four trailer statuses:

Active - this status the trailer receives immediately after creation, this status is required to use the trailer in the system.

Repair - when the trailer is under repair, it needs to be assigned this status.

Terminated -this status is assigned to those trailers that are no longer used in the system

Deleted - when a trailer is deleted from the system, it will automatically receive this status.

The counters of all active trailers and Repair trailers are also displayed above the trailer list.

Clicking on the trailer in the list will open the following window:

The”Details” tab displays basic information about the trailer that was specified when the trailer was added

The “Files” tab displays all uploaded files and photos, if you do not have uploaded files yet, you can upload them by clicking on the photo icon

On the "History" tab, you can view the activity history of this trailer. All actions, such as Add, Update, Delete and more, will be displayed in the history, as well as the time the action was performed and the user who performed it.

On the “Notes” tab, if necessary, you can leave a note for this trailer. To do this, in the Add notes field, write the required note and click on the Send button - the note will be added.

To delete a note, just click on the cancel icon on the right in the note field.

In the “Calendar” tab, you can schedule an event for a specific date, such as a trailer repair or any other event that will make the trailer unavailable for a period of time.

If you add an event on a date, the trailer will not be available for use in the system for that date.

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