Trucks list

In order to use the carrier dispatch system, you need to add your fleet in the Trucks section. You will use the added trucks when creating trips (see more in the Trips section),which will save the history of all trips of the truck, download and save all documents related to the truck. Also, you will always have access to all the information on the truck.

All added trucks will be displayed in a general list.

Clicking on the truck in the list will open the following window:

The Details tab displays basic information about the truck that was specified when the truck was added

The Files tab displays all uploaded files and photos, if you do not have uploaded files yet, you can upload them by clicking on the photo icon

On the "History" tab, you can view the activity history of this truck. All actions, such as Add, Update, Delete and more, will be displayed in the history,

as well as the time the action was performed and the user who performed it.

On the "Notes" tab, if necessary, you can leave a note for this truck. To do this, in the Add notes field, write the required note and click on the Send button - the note will be added.

To delete a note, just click on the cancel icon on the right in the note field.

In the “Calendar” tab, you can schedule an event for a specific date, such as a truck repair or any other event that will make the truck unavailable for a period of time.

If you add an event on a date, the truck will not be available for use in the system for that date.

The “VIN” tab displays information about VIN code, if information is available in the system

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