Dcontrol provides commercial truck and trailer plate check based on a vehicle`s past DOT inspection history.

No results for plate - F1321X

None   USDOT 16130
Coral Gables, FL, 33134
Date State Unit Make Vin

Accidents involving VIN F1321X

Date State License Plate
24-DEC-15 CA F1321X

Accident Date 24-DEC-15 Report# CA5401504801

Accident Id: CA5401504801
Accident Date: 24-DEC-15
Accident State: CA
Vehicle ID involved in a crash:
Fatalities reported in the crash: 0
Injuries reported in the crash: 0
Was a vehicle towed from the scene: Y
Hazardous materials were released:
Description of the trafficway: Two-Way Trafficway Divided Unprotected Median
Access control description: Full Control
Road surface condition: Dry
Weather condition: No Adverse Conditions
Light condition: Daylight
Vehicle VIN: 3AKJGLBG2GSHN5882
Vehicle license number: F1321X
Vehicle license state: CA
Severity weight that is assigned to the incident: 1
Description of the citation issue: NO

Previously searched license plates

Last Checked Plates With Photo

Dcontrol provides commercial truck and trailer license plates check based on a vehicle`s past DOT inspection history.

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