Main facts about zip code 00780.
Continent: | North America |
Country: | USA |
State: | Puerto Rico |
County: | Ponce Municipio |
Primary City: | Coto Laurel |
00780 | |
Coto Laurel | |
Ponce |
Zip Type: | STANDARD |
Decommissioned: | No |
Area Land: | 52,032,587 |
Area Codes: | 787,939 |
Detailed statistics information for zip code 00780 including housing count, population earnings , household income, rent statistics and home value data.
Area: | 52,870,908 |
Housing Count: | 5,295 |
What percent of the zip code 00780 do you think is covered with water ? Total Land and water area measurements and water to land ratio for the zip code 00780: land - 98.41%, water - 1.59%
View zip code 00780 location information on the map.