In order to create a load, you need to click on the Loads item in the left menu, in the TMS Light section. On the page that opens, click on the Add new load button, a step-by-step form for creating a load will open.
In the first step, you must specify the following information:
Customer - choose the customer who provided you with the load, if you have not previously created a customer, you can do so by clicking on the Add contact button and filling in the necessary data. (the customer field is not mandatory, you can choose a customer if necessary)
Load # - you can specify the load number, a random number is automatically generated by the system, but if necessary, you can change it.
Eqpt type - specify the type of equipment required for cargo transportation
Size - specify the size of the equipment that is required for cargo transportation
In the Stops section, it is necessary to indicate the Pickup and Delivery locations of the load.
To do this, in the Location Name field, you must specify the address (pickup or delivery - depending on the stop you are adding), specify the Appt Time or Plan time of the stop.
In Optional details, you can specify additional information about the load
After filling in all the necessary data according to the steps of the load, you need to click on the Save and Next button in order to proceed to the next step.
In the second step of creating a load, you can upload the necessary files to the load, if necessary, for this you need to click on the Upload button and select the files that are on your device.
After downloading the necessary files, you need to click on the Next button to proceed to the next step of creating the load.
In the third step, all the feet of the load will be displayed, and the route will also be displayed on the map. At this step, you need to check the feet you have added, if necessary, you can change the order of the feet, for this you just need to click on the foot and drag it to the desired place.
After you have checked the sequence of stops, you need to click on the Next button in order to go to the last step of creating the load.
In the last, fourth step of creating a load, you can create an invoice for your customer, for this you need to specify the address of your company (it will be substituted automatically if you specified the address when creating your company), also specify the recipient's company, number, date and payment terms of the invoice, specify items and payment amounts, and additional information on the invoice, if necessary.
After filling in all the necessary fields, you need to click on the Save button - the load will be saved.
If it is necessary to edit information on the load, you need to click on the "three dots" menu in the load ribbon and click on the Edit item, the load editing form will open. After editing the necessary information, you need to click on the Save button.
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