US 70 craven county rest area

US 70 craven county rest area

Rest Areas

800 Clarks Road ,
New Bern, NC, 28562

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Business details for US 70 craven county rest area

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Latitude: 35.136126 Longitude: -77.1709879

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Ratings and Reviews for US 70 craven county rest area


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10 reviews

a year ago
Todd Hogarth for US 70 craven county rest area
Clean well maintained. I only go there for the pokemon go stop. Nice place for a walk.

2 years ago
Donnie Brown for US 70 craven county rest area
Large family park with picnic tables and a couple of grills. The bathroom facilities were very clean.

2 years ago
Mark Vincent for US 70 craven county rest area
Easy to get in and out of, plenty of parking, dog walk space and clean.

2 years ago
Pamela Lehman for US 70 craven county rest area
Clean location..beautiful attendant to be found

3 years ago
Matt Parks for US 70 craven county rest area
Best place to go when you have too 😃🤘

3 years ago
Richard Right3 for US 70 craven county rest area
I have my dogs out on a leash and was looking up somewhere to go do a load of wash when I observe the attendant talking to a trooper. I thought nothing of it, put my dogs in the car, climbed in, started it, and was heading out to get food and do my wash. I looked over and the trooper car was coming around the bend faster than usual. It pulled in the space next to me and yup, it was Joe. I greeted him with a cheery hello, not realizing it was not going to be a happy reunion. He of course remembered me and started the conversation by asking why I was there. Before I could answer he added that he knew I had been here since Friday. It was probably the attendant, looking back I could see how it was her pointing me out. I’m not sure why, I didn’t even through cigarette buts on the ground and kept my use of the building to once or MAYBE twice a day. I think it was just conversation on their part and maybe they decided together to target me seeing how there were other drivers there sleeping and staying far longer than I was. Anyway, I was in a good mood considering, and thank goodness. I did not let him irritate me, and boy did he try! He once again decided to recite the “laws of rest area etiquette” to me. Being more knowledgeable now I realized he was misinformed. Why oh why would I try to educate Joe Cop Military? Yikes! He knew what he knew and that was it. I asked him “if pulling in, using the HEAD (his word), closing your eyes for 15 minutes and heading out” was the rule, “why have 75 parking spaces, picnic tables, and such beautiful grounds?” This seemed to get him flustered, he kept trying to get me riled up and I kept trying to ask serious questions about his actions so I could better understand. Joe doesn’t like to justify his actions either. I had said, “but I’m not even doing anything wrong other than taking up a space so small, how does it even effect anything?” His reply was, “everyone is always doing something wrong, you just need to find what it is.” Wow. He said it like a threat so I figured our conversation was over. He asked for my ID, and that he needed to run it. I was going to refuse but it didn’t really bother me knowing there was nothing for him to find. He ran my ID and returned. I again asked a sensible question about “rest area laws” which he responded by stating, “ I am doing the minimum I could do right now. I could call the sheriff and we could see how they want to proceed”. Ah-Ha!! So of course I asked why he would have to call the sheriff. His response was evasive and he told me again,”this is the minimum I COULD do, you need to evacuate immediately. This doesn’t have to go any further.”

4 years ago
Ed Revugh for US 70 craven county rest area
The water was frustratingly soft. Soap would not wash off hands. Clean place though.

5 years ago
Senthilvel Thiruvadi for US 70 craven county rest area
Very nice and big rest area, we loved the grass and trees and rest rooms are very neat and clean .

5 years ago
Michael Pressley for US 70 craven county rest area
Nice and quiet. And very clean. There is reasonably priced vending machines on site.

6 years ago
Ian Sham for US 70 craven county rest area
Very clean facility and quiet area....perfect for truckers wanting to reset their hrs.


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